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Why Does Advivo Do Monthly Fees?

How much should it cost to talk to my accountant? Do you ever feel as though you can’t ask your accountant a question for fear you’re going to be charged for every word?  Well, you don’t need to feel like that with us! We love talking to our clients and most of our clients love…

Not-For-Profit Organisations Reaching Goals

How Not for Profits (NFPs) Can Reach Their Goals Faster

Increasing Not For Profits (NFPs) Revenues People often think that Not for Profit Organisations are less concerned with making profits than other organisations because that’s not their primary aim.  This isn’t necessarily correct! Why do NFPs need to increase income? A key requirement for NFPs is that any profits are essentially put back into the…

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Data Breach Legislation – Are You Ready For The Changes?

The Australian parliament passed the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breach) Act 2017 (NDB scheme) on 13 Feb 2017. From the 22 February 2018, all entities covered by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) will have clear obligations to report eligible data breaches. The amendments are due to commence on 23 February 2018 so providers should be…