Harnessing Science & Technology

Harnessing The Power of Science and Technology

The Benefits of Science and Technology Science and technology are often associated with manufacturing and physical jobs, which is generally true, but not always. Using data analytics and scientific methodologies, we are able to rapidly pinpoint high probability opportunities and minimise risk and exposure before a large investment of time and money has been committed…

Advivo's New Bookkeeping and Payroll Services

New and Improved Bookkeeping and Payroll Service

It’s Finally Here! Discover Our New and Improved Bookkeeping and Payroll Service We’ve heard your feedback and been working very hard to produce an efficient and cost-effective solution to your bookkeeping and payroll blues! Accurate and Efficient Bookkeeping We understand better than anyone that without accurate and efficient bookkeeping, your accounting will be inaccurate, meaning…

An Employee Keeps Calling in Sick, What Should I Do?

An Employee Keeps Calling in Sick, What Should I Do?

What To Do When An Employee Keeps Calling in Sick The classic ‘sickie’. It’s part of Australian working folklore, and while most people can honestly admit to ‘chucking’ the occasional sickie, others can stretch the limits of their employers by frequently taking sick days for vague or elusive reasons. In some cases, it can get…