Person Inserting a Coin on a Piggybank - Stapling Superannuation - Advivo Business Advisors and Accountants Blog Image

The Challenges of Stapling Superannuation

Advivo Business Advisors and Accountants discuss the potential challenges with the new stapling of superannuation.   This article is relevant for all employers, especially those who work in payroll. As you may be aware, from 1 November 2021, the process has changed to deal with any new employees who do not complete a Superannuation Choice form to provide details of…

A Person Inserting an ATM to a Credit Card Payment Terminal - Money-Saving Tips From Our Clients - Advivo Business Advisors and Accountants Blog Image

Money-Saving Tips From Our Clients

Advivo Business Advisors and Accountants share some money-saving tips that our clients are currently raving about   At Advivo, we pride ourselves on being an innovative and dynamic firm. That’s why we’re always on the lookout for new and innovative products and services that can benefit the everyday operation of your business. The following money-saving tips were recommended to us by two of our clients,…

Person's hand holding a wallet with cash - Advantages of SMSF - Advivo Business Advisors and Accountants Blog Image

6 Advantages of a Self-Managed Super Fund

Advivo’s experienced SMSF Accountants delve into the advantages of running a self-managed super fund.    As the name implies, a self-managed super fund (or SMSF) is a private superannuation fund that you control yourself. A sole purpose of an SMSF must be to provide retirement benefits that are unachievable from an industry superannuation membership. As…