We are now about two and a half months away from the end of the 2017 Financial Year, it’s not too early to be thinking ahead, partners are starting to contact their clients to discuss their tax planning. Feel free to get in touch before we call you. 2017 has been a big year with Super Legislation changes that need careful thought, attention and planning.
What does 2018 hold for you, have you had a look at your budget for 2018? Take a look at our Future Fitness 3-Way Report which looks at Cash Flow, Profit and Loss and your Balance Sheet. Let us help you plan to succeed and consider all aspects of your business.
Often with this many public holidays in a month, there can be an adverse effect on cash flow. The team at Advivo are focused on helping clients with profitability and taking you to the next level with the challenges that this may pose. Employsure recently published the following article on employer and employee obligations with the upcoming weeks with so many public holidays, read more here.
Our office will be closed on Good Friday, Easter Monday and the Anzac Day Public Holiday and May Day.
Happy Easter!!
Leon Stephan
Audit Shield service offering
We have recently sent out letters offering our Audit Shield protection to all clients. The Audit Shield service provides for payment of professional fees incurred as a result of you being selected for an audit by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and other relevant government agencies. Audit activity is on the rise and you can be targeted. Even in the event that no further adjustments are required to your lodged returns, professional fees can still be incurred, we encourage you to contact our office for more information on this service.
Monthly team member profile
Ben Wright (Client Manager)
Advivo’s expert in FBT
Ben has over 15 years’ experience in the accounting profession and has a broad range of skills, in the area of audit, tax and superannuation. He partners with clients to achieve a result that not only satisfies their immediate needs but their future security.
Ben hails from the country town of Young but has also worked in Canberra and Brisbane dealing with many different clients with individual needs and approaches. He has recently attended the NTAA FBT Seminar and along with Anita Bellingham is one of our FBT Experts. Check your inbox for our FBT Information letters, and we invite you to contact Ben or Anita with any questions you may have regarding this.
Read Ben’s recent blog here.
Financial Advice Changes
As a result of recent legislation changes around financial advice, there are certain limitations to what advice the Accounting profession can provide to the general public. This advice relates specifically to self-managed superannuation funds and general superannuation advice.
Leon Stephan and Dale Edwards have become Authorised Representatives of Brougham & Vaux (Aust.) Pty Ltd – AFSL 394 795, so that we are able to continue to provide advice for all of your superannuation needs and to work more closely with you in providing you with the best possible service and outcome for your financial situation.
ATO Update – Natural disasters
In a recent update from the ATO, lodgement and payment date deferrals have been issued for those affected by Cyclone and ex Cyclone Debbie. Confirm what due dates and postcodes affected here .
Blogs & Updates
Is your Estate going to the intended beneficiary? Maybe not with the impending Superannuation laws from 1 July.
No one knows your total financial situation better than your accountant, this includes your financial/business objectives and your corporate structures. For this reason, we and other professionals believe accountants should be the drivers to Estate Planning. Read More
The following article provides 5 tips for boosting your super, these tips can help you achieve peace of mind, knowing there will be more super waiting for you at retirement time. If you’re not sure what’s right for you, it’s essential to seek financial advice. Contact us today to discuss your super and retirement arrangements. Full Article
2016 Budget changes – more changes are in place but beware the backflips: CGW Article
The Government has completed some more of the 2016 Budget changes with the finalisation of Treasury Laws Amendment (Fair and Sustainable Superannuation) Regulations 2017. Full Article
Brissie to the Bay
On 18 June, Advivo partner, Chris Morris will be taking part in the MS Brissie to the Bay ‘ride to fight MS’, in the 100km course. Chris is raising funds to show his support for people living with MS, the money raised will provide vital services and support to assist all those affected by MS to live life to their fullest and reach their true potential. Chris has a fundraising goal of $2,000, which if reached, he is committing to up the ante next year and take part in the 160km course. Please donate to support Chris’ ride and make your impact on the lives of Australians living with MS. Donate here
Key Events & Dates
- 21 April – Lodge and pay March 2017 monthly activity statement
- 28 April – Lodge and pay March 2017 quarter 3 paper activity statements
- Office Closure on Friday 14 April, Monday 17 April, Tuesday 25 April & Monday 1 May