The Business Pulse Report™ is a unique business tool used to keep you on track and accurately monitor your business’ performance against pre-determined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in a visual and easy-to-understand report.

The Business Pulse Report™ can be used to keep key stakeholders such as board members, family members or key management staff well-informed and accountable. For example, with the Business Pulse Report™ you will be able to monitor a range of key drivers for your business that influence your revenue, margins and profitability, therefore allowing you to set realistic goals for your business based on accurate data by comparing month on month and year on year.

KPI Results Report Example

Profitability Report Example

At Advivo, we understand that no two businesses are alike, so we tailor every Business Pulse Report™ to each business’ unique situation. Because of this, you can choose from an almost limitless variety of KPIs to monitor in your Business Pulse Report™ depending on your needs. KPIs are also not just limited to financial results: non-financial KPIs such as prospects, leads, calls and conversion rates can all be monitored if you wish.

Advivo offers our Business Pulse Report™ to all our business clients. Watch the video below if you would like to learn more about our Business Pulse Report™, and you can download a sample by clicking “Download a Sample Business Pulse Report”.

See the Report

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Advivo has a team of highly skilled accountants and business advisors in Brisbane CBD to help you take your business to the next level.