Florist casually arranging herbs and flowers on the table - Stricter Provisions for Casual Employment Image

Stricter Provisions for Casual Employment

Business 360 explain all you need to know to discuss and review your current casual employment arrangements.   From 27 March 2021, businesses are required to issue the Casual Employment Information Statement (CEIS) to all new casual employees when they start work. This document explains to casual employees’ their rights to become permanent if they…

Person calculating payroll - Accurate and Efficient Bookkeeping and Payroll Image

Is Your Bookkeeping and Payroll Accurate and Efficient?

Advivo Business Advisors and Accountants explain the benefits of accurate and efficient bookkeeping and payroll.   The importance of accurate Bookkeeping We understand better than anyone that bookkeeping is an essential part of your small business and without accurate and efficient bookkeeping, your accounting will be inaccurate. To properly manage your business, you need to…

Calculator on money and invoice - Tax Planning Strategies for Your Business Image

Tax Planning Strategies for Your Business

Advivo Business Advisors and Accountants explain how having effective tax planning strategies will assist to minimise your tax.   Effective tax planning minimises tax liability so that you are not paying more tax than necessary.  We have compiled some strategies which you may find useful for your business.  These can be implemented at any time…

Computing Taxes - Tax Planning & Minimisation - Advivo Business Advisors & Accountants

Tax Planning & Minimisation for Your Business

Advivo Business Advisors and Accountants share their insights on what your tax planning should consider this financial year.   The 2021 financial year has undoubtedly been a challenging year for a many businesses and their owners.  That means more than any other year when it comes to 30 June, it is recommended you speak with…

What is JobMaker? - ADVIVO Business Advisors & Accountants

All the Facts You Need to Know About JobMaker

Advivo Business Advisors and Accountants, share insights on the benefits of JobMaker for small businesses. The JobMaker Hiring Credit was designed to help accelerate growth in employment of young people during the COVID-19 recovery, helping them access job opportunities as the economy recovers. The government designed the Jobmaker scheme to encourage businesses to employ additional…