Government Apprentice and Trainee Support for Businesses

Apprentice and Trainee Support

Government Assistance for Apprentices and Trainees As part of government’s ongoing support during the COVID-19 crisis, there is assistance to help eligible businesses to ensure they can continue to employ their apprentices and trainees. This includes a 50% wage subsidy of the apprentice or trainee’s wages paid since January 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020…

Jobkeeper Payment Update

The JobKeeper Payment Explained

Summary of the JobKeeper Payment Scheme Last week the Federal Government passed a package of Bills through both Houses of Parliament to give effect to the JobKeeper Scheme. We have received a great summary from The National Tax and Accountants’ Association which is relevant and meaningful for our clients. Download your copy here The JobKeeper…

Safe Harbour Provision Eligibility

Are you Safe Harbour Ready?

Why now is the perfect time to ensure that you are eligible to invoke the Safe Harbour Provisions… With all of the change and uncertainty that we are currently experiencing, the additions to our “To Do Lists” or “Action Plans” are growing every day.  But one thing that is imperative to consider at this time…