Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) – FAQs

Advivo answers some Frequently Asked Questions on the superannuation guarantee including, what it means for employers, the significant charges for getting it wrong and how to avoid them. With Single Touch Payroll now in place, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has access to Superannuation information right away. What does this mean for business owners? If…

Tips on How to Prepare Your Business Grant Applications

Advivo shares insights into the process of grant applications to help take your business to the next level Every grant application is different, from funding to help you hit the ground running, to smaller grants designed to support your business development. There are federal or state grants that will suit your financial needs and enable…

Innovative Accounting Solutions

Innovative Accounting Solutions For Your Business Here at Advivo, with our expert team of accountants, we provide a multitude of innovative accounting and tax solutions for you and your business. We offer innovative fee structures, such as fixed fees for ease of mind, then we provide solutions such as: Innovative Ideas Commercialised Through Our ICP…

Scam Alert! Latest ATO Scams

Beware of These ATO and ASIC Scams We have written before alerting everyone to circulating scams that appear as communications from the ATO and the ASIC. These scams can be highly effective at misleading individuals and will compromise the security of your personal information. We have compiled a list of known scams and how you…

cash flow statement indicated on paper - Advivo blog image

How To Use Automation To Help Manage Your Cashflow/Debtors

Improving Productivity and Cashflow with Automation Taking control of your cashflow and managing debtors are challenging elements to running a successful business. Automation can be used to free up your time for other tasks and often makes for faster, more cost-effective processes. While there are many different ways of maintaining cashflow, automation is one of the…

How To Get The Right People Doing The Right Job

Getting The Right People On The Right Job Delivers Better Outcomes We work with a lot of businesses and their staff. It is quite amazing how often we see major inefficiencies by having people doing the jobs that they are just not suited to. Often it is the business owners error, performing tasks themselves in…

Single Touch Payroll FAQs

Single Touch Payroll – FAQ’s

Answers to Common Questions on Single Touch Payroll and Reporting We have had a lot of enquiries following the changes to payroll and reporting requirements, not only from clients but from all over, so we thought we would get something together to help answer some of the more common questions. Of course, we invite you…

Are You Sitting on an Innovation Goldmine?

Many businesses discover solutions to their own industry challenges, only to realise they’re sitting on an opportunity that could transform their business globally. The question is: could you be sitting on such a goldmine?  Identifying Opportunities in Your Industry  As a business owner, you’re intimately familiar with the challenges of your industry. If you’ve tried…