Are You Ready for End of Financial Year?

Let’s Get You Ready for the EOFY It’s that time of year again. The team here at Advivo are busy preparing Strategic Tax Plans and Forecasting for many of our clients in preparation for the new financial year (EOFY). EOFY Reminders & Highlights We have put together some reminders and highlights to help you in…

Marketing, helping drive Business Growth

Marketing’s Role In Business Growth Whatever stage your business is at, marketing plays an important role. Whether it’s solidifying your brand presence, ensuring your current customers are nurtured and engaged, or reaching out to expand the business and get new enquiries. Working with our marketing partner we are able to support our clients with: Market…

The ATO is always watching…

ATO Can Automatically Deny Deductions For Late Super Payments Superannuation paid for employees must be paid on time for employers to claim the payment as an income tax deduction. This has been the situation for many years and doesn’t look to be changing any time soon.  What is changing is that with the introduction of…

Government Grants for Business

Business Grants for Start-ups or Financial Support Starting and running a small business requires passion, fortitude, and time — but it also requires money. Obtaining the funds to start your business and then managing ongoing finance can be a big task for small business owners. Fortunately, grants come in all shapes and sizes, from funding…

Managing Annual Leave Over the Holidays

Effectively Manage Your Employees’ Annual Leaves As a medium-size business ourselves, we are often asked about how we manage annual leave and ensure that the business is moving forward and the client’s expectations are met, particularly around peak holiday periods. Annual Leaves and Business Productivity Research suggests that offering employees more annual leave may increase…

Are you getting the most out of your financials?

Forecasting a Business’s Financial Future A trusted Financial Model is a vital tool to forecast a business’s financial performance. In this article, we will discuss in detail financial modelling and forecasting to provide a solid base understanding. What is Financial Modelling? Financial modelling is more than just number crunching, it is an abstract numerical scenario…

Important! Changes to the Instant Asset Write-off

Further Changes To The Instant Asset Write-Off Last month, we published the changes made to the Instant Asset Write-off legislation, well we may have spoken to soon… Further to the proposed budget announcements last week, effective from 2nd April 2019 the government announced that it is increasing and expanding access to the instant asset write-off…

Queensland Building Construction Commission – New Financial Requirements

New QBCC Reporting Laws and How Businesses Should Comply In an attempt to prevent insolvencies and corporate collapses in the Queensland building and construction industry, the Queensland Building Construction Commission (QBCC) have implemented new reporting laws. The new regulations for Minimum Financial Requirements (MFR) commenced on the 1st of January 2019 and will coincide with…

What is Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT)?

What is Fringe Benefits Tax or FBT? A fringe benefit is a benefit provided in respect of employment, essentially a benefit provided to an employee (or their associate) because they are an employee. An example of a fringe benefit being provided to an employee may be one of the following: Allowing your employees to use…