Clearance to sell your house

Have You Got Clearance To Sell Your Home?

Clearance Requirements Before Selling Your House In the market to sell your house? Before you call in the real estate agents and home stylists, you probably know that you’ll need to have a contract of sale handy. Did you know that you may also need to get a capital gains withholding clearance certificate from the ATO?…

CGT - Time the Sale of Your Investment

CGT – Time the Sale of Your Investment

Advantage of Timing The Sale of CGT Assets At a time of the year when we are all focusing on getting our affairs in order and ready for tax time, for those of us who are that organised, we don’t always consider the timing of capital gains tax (CGT) events. If you have recently purchased…

Piggy Bank - Advivo poster

Areas of Concern for SMSF Trustees

ATO Finds Common Areas That Cause Concern For SMSF Trustees Are you the trustee of one of the approximately 577,000 SMSFs in Australia at the moment? As the SMSF sector continues to grow and the number of funds continues to increase, the workload of the ATO as the regulator increases. Instead of the rigid enforcement…

ATO Tax-time - Areas to focus on

ATO Tax Time Focus Areas

It’s tax time again! As you gather your receipts and other assorted tax documents, you should also turn your mind to what the ATO is paying close attention to this year. This year, the ATO is focusing on taxpayers who claim “other” work-related expense deductions at label D5 on individual tax returns. According to the…

Advivo Accountants and Advisors banner image

Don’t Miss These Changes Effective 1 July 2018!

[heading] Legislative Changes That Might Affect Your Business [/heading] Minimum Wage From 1 July 2018, the national minimum wage will increase in Australia by 3.5% The new national minimum wage is $719.20 per week, for a 38-hour week, or $18.93 per hour. The increase applies from the first full pay period starting on or after…

Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty

Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty – Don’t Miss Out!

What is Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty? In May this year, the government announced the start of a Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty. The Amnesty is a one-off opportunity for employers to self-correct any past super guarantee (SG) non-compliance without receiving a penalty. Any catch-up payments made in the 12 month period will also be tax-deductible. The Amnesty applies…

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30 June is coming…..Are you ready?

Get Your Business Ready For the EOFY The end of financial year (EOFY) is upon us again and the team here at Advivo are busy preparing Strategic Tax Planning and Forecasting for many of our monthly clients. Use Our EOFY Checklists Please use our complimentary checklist to make sure your business is ready for EOFY.…

Debtor Finance - What is it?

Debtor Finance – What is it? And Can it Help Me?

How Your Business can Benefit from Debtor Finance   WHAT IS IT? Debtor Finance is, quite simply, a line of credit linked to and secured by your outstanding accounts receivable. If your business supplies products or services to other businesses on standard trade credit terms, Debtor Finance can help. There are a number of variations…

Single Touch Payroll Software

Single Touch Payroll Software – Are You Ready?

Get Your Business Compliant to The Single Touch Payroll Software   Are you affected? Who is affected When does this start? Businesses with 20 or more employees on 1st April 2018 (excluding directors and officeholders) 1 July 2018 Businesses with 19 or fewer employees on 1st April 2018 (excluding directors and officeholders) 1 July 2019 Will…

Advivo 2018 Budget Review

Advivo 2018 Budget Review

Scott Morrison’s budget announcement of personal income tax changes need no introduction, just a lot of patience. The budget headlines have glossed over some of the important detail which we know will affect our business clients as well as everyone’s superannuation. Summarised below are the key take-aways which we’ve cherry picked for our clients. It…