Why we are leaving Facebook

Advivo is Leaving Facebook

Why Advivo is Leaving Facebook It’s recently been revealed that data firm, Cambridge Analytica, has allegedly accessed information for around 83 Million Facebook users without their knowledge.  This has stunned users across the globe, causing many to delete their Facebook accounts. Details of the Facebook Issue In case you don’t know the details, let us…

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Why Does Advivo Do Monthly Fees?

How much should it cost to talk to my accountant? Do you ever feel as though you can’t ask your accountant a question for fear you’re going to be charged for every word?  Well, you don’t need to feel like that with us! We love talking to our clients and most of our clients love…

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Data Breach Legislation – Are You Ready For The Changes?

The Australian parliament passed the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breach) Act 2017 (NDB scheme) on 13 Feb 2017. From the 22 February 2018, all entities covered by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) will have clear obligations to report eligible data breaches. The amendments are due to commence on 23 February 2018 so providers should be…

Funding Options for Business Growth

Funding Options for Business Growth

Written by Chris Morris “What’s the best way to fund our growth strategy?” This is a question I’m often asked, and whilst there will always be some options that are better for you than others, the answer is never as straightforward as we’d like.  In all cases, it depends on the strategy being implemented, the…

Puzzle Pieces

Staff Training Update

Recently two of our staff members, Anita Bellingham and Ben Wright attended a three day Dale Carnegie ‘Immersion Course’. Dale Carnegie specialises in the provision of professional and personal development training to individuals and teams to develop their interpersonal communication and leadership skills. We at Advivo believe that communication is one the most important aspects…

Taking our Community to the Next Level

Taking Our Philanthropic Endeavours Even Further   Bringing in the New Year encourages us to reflect on the year gone by and think about what we can do differently or better moving forward. After spending some time with our families over the break, the common feeling amongst Advivo’s partners and staff coming back to work…

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Estate Planning Update

In December we advised that we had recognised that the Christmas period was a high risk time and as such an appropriate time for reviewing your Estate Planning needs. Wow am I glad we initiated the contacts we did, when we did, in the initial batch of contacts we had 71% of people contacted who…