What is JobMaker? - ADVIVO Business Advisors & Accountants

All the Facts You Need to Know About JobMaker

Advivo Business Advisors and Accountants, share insights on the benefits of JobMaker for small businesses. The JobMaker Hiring Credit was designed to help accelerate growth in employment of young people during the COVID-19 recovery, helping them access job opportunities as the economy recovers. The government designed the Jobmaker scheme to encourage businesses to employ additional…

Pay with card - JobKeeper Scheme Blog Image

JobKeeper Scheme Ends

The JobKeeper scheme which has been in place since 30 March 2020, ended on 28 March 2021. How does the end of JobKeeper impact my business? On and from 29 March 2021: JobKeeper employee wage subsidies will cease, and qualifying and legacy employers will generally be unable to change their employees’ work hours, usual duties…

Australia Parliament

JobKeeper Extension 2 Clarification

Enrolments for JobKeeper Extension 2 close 31 January 2021. Eligibility for JobKeeper Extension 2 (with pay periods commencing from 4 January) is based on Employers meeting the turnover test for their most recent turnover period.  This is a different period from what was used for JobKeeper Extension 1 and therefore it is essential for employers…

Australia Parliament

JobKeeper Extension 1 Clarification

Important Information on Jobkeeper Extension 1 Commencing From 28 September 2020 The JobKeeper program has now officially been extended for 6 months to 28 March 2021. We have highlighted important dates for employers to take note of in regards to this extension. We understand the complexity and confusion in the market around JobKeeper 2.0 and…

Australia parliament

JobKeeper 2.0 Legislation—Passed

JobKeeper 2.0 eligibility from 28 September clarified The JobKeeper program has now officially been extended for 6 months to 28 March 2021 and the ATO (Australian Taxation Office) have finally clarified a lot of the speculation which has been circulating the press since Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s announcement earlier this week. There are a lot…

The Parliament House September JobKeeper Updates - Advivo

JobKeeper 2.0 Legislation: Senate Approved

JobKeeper 2.0 Legislation—Passed JobKeeper 2.0 legislation has now been passed by the Senate on Tuesday, with minor amendments and extending the governments wage subsidy program by six months to 28 March 2021. This will replace the  $1,500 a fortnight payment with a new two-tier payment rate from 28 September 2020. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has highlighted that eligibility…

August JobKeeper Updates - Advivo

JobKeeper Update

Increased eligibility for JobKeeper payments. For the second time in a fortnight, the Federal Government has announced further updates to the JobKeeper wage subsidy, to ensure businesses can continue to retain their employees under the economic impacts of COVID-19. The changes to eligibility criteria have a significant impact for all businesses and we encourage you…

The Parliament - Advivo

JobKeeper and JobSeeker Updates

Federal Government Updates on Jobkeeper and Jobseeker On 21 July 2020, the Federal Government announced an extension to the JobKeeper wage subsidy through to 28 March 2021 and a temporary boost to the JobSeeker unemployment benefit program. This initiative is obviously designed to allay fears of a significant disruption to business viability in September from the proposed cessation…

Government Apprentice and Trainee Support for Businesses

Apprentice and Trainee Support

Government Assistance for Apprentices and Trainees As part of government’s ongoing support during the COVID-19 crisis, there is assistance to help eligible businesses to ensure they can continue to employ their apprentices and trainees. This includes a 50% wage subsidy of the apprentice or trainee’s wages paid since January 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020…