PAYG Pay As You Go Income Tax Installment Variations

Pay As You Go (PAYG) income tax instalment variations and refunds now available

What is available and to whom? If you have been affected by the COVID19 quarterly tax instalment payers can vary their current and prior PAYG instalments on their activity statement for the March 2020 quarter. How do I get it? To access this option you must vary the number of your PAYG instalments on your March activity statement before the instalment is due. Taxpayers who vary their…

Are You Ready for End of Financial Year?

Let’s Get You Ready for the EOFY It’s that time of year again. The team here at Advivo are busy preparing Strategic Tax Plans and Forecasting for many of our clients in preparation for the new financial year (EOFY). EOFY Reminders & Highlights We have put together some reminders and highlights to help you in…

The ATO is always watching…

ATO Can Automatically Deny Deductions For Late Super Payments Superannuation paid for employees must be paid on time for employers to claim the payment as an income tax deduction. This has been the situation for many years and doesn’t look to be changing any time soon.  What is changing is that with the introduction of…

New Year, New Payroll

Keep Up With The Changes To Payroll We have written a length about the changes to payroll over the last months, Single Touch Payroll has been one of the bigger changes that are happening, but there are more! Minimum Wage The Minimum wage review was completed by the Fair Work Commission and the new rates…

Ipso Facto Legistration Changes

Ipso Facto Legislation Becomes Law on 1st of July 2018

Ipso Facto Legislation Passed Following ‘Safe Harbour’ As part of the federal government’s reforms on insolvency and assisting businesses to trade through difficult times without going into some form of administration, there have been two major legislation changes announced in last year’s budget. The first of these was the Safe Harbour Legislation for company directors,…

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Data Breach Legislation – Are You Ready For The Changes?

The Australian parliament passed the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breach) Act 2017 (NDB scheme) on 13 Feb 2017. From the 22 February 2018, all entities covered by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) will have clear obligations to report eligible data breaches. The amendments are due to commence on 23 February 2018 so providers should be…