Plan your Staffing for 2020 and get your Payroll Right

As you plan your overall 2020 business strategy, now is a better time than ever to audit what’s working and what needs to be changed when considering staffing and payroll requirements. Planning Your Staffing Requirements When planning for 2020, your staffing requirements are a key component; you might ask yourself the following questions: Are you planning to expand or extend your…

October and November 2019 Charity of the Month

Vinnies Disaster Appeal is our October and November 2019 Charity of the Month Recipient These two months we chose to contribute $100 to the Vinnies Disaster Appeal to help victims of the bushfires devastating communities across Queensland. Vinnies Disaster Appeal helps provide groceries, clothing, emergency housing and support to families who have lost everything in…

Data Security: Simple, Automated and Secure Protection

Advivo shares online data security software tools to help protect against cybercrime, secure data and protect core business operations. With the advancements in information and communication technologies, opportunities for criminals to engage in illegal transnational activities have significantly expanded. The Cyber Security Review, led by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, found that…

Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) – FAQs

Advivo answers some Frequently Asked Questions on the superannuation guarantee including, what it means for employers, the significant charges for getting it wrong and how to avoid them. With Single Touch Payroll now in place, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has access to Superannuation information right away. What does this mean for business owners? If…

Tips on How to Prepare Your Business Grant Applications

Advivo shares insights into the process of grant applications to help take your business to the next level Every grant application is different, from funding to help you hit the ground running, to smaller grants designed to support your business development. There are federal or state grants that will suit your financial needs and enable…