Australia parliament

JobKeeper 2.0 Legislation—Passed

JobKeeper 2.0 eligibility from 28 September clarified The JobKeeper program has now officially been extended for 6 months to 28 March 2021 and the ATO (Australian Taxation Office) have finally clarified a lot of the speculation which has been circulating the press since Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s announcement earlier this week. There are a lot…

Business terms collage - Advivo

Are your assets properly protected?

Protecting Assets Against Creditors and Predators   It can take a lifetime to accumulate your wealth, but if your assets are not properly protected, it all could be lost in a moment. To avoid significant losses, it is important to have reliable and effective asset protection strategies, so you can continue to grow your wealth and achieve your…

Grow Your Business With Financial Modelling

How Our Financial Modelling Services Can Ensure a Business’s Success and Profitability   A trusted Financial Model is a vital tool to forecast a business’s financial performance and involves building a mathematical model of a real-world financial situation. It is designed to represent a simplified version of your business portfolio and, using a set of…

capital structuring

What Is Capital Restructuring and Why Do You Need It?

Achieve Long Term Objectives, Operate More Efficiently, and Maintain Business Continuity With the Right Capital Structure   Published: 9th September, 2020 Updated: 16th May, 2023   What is capital restructuring? Capital restructuring is an operational approach primarily used to deal with changes that impact a business’s financial stability. However, it can also be used to…

The Parliament House September JobKeeper Updates - Advivo

JobKeeper 2.0 Legislation: Senate Approved

JobKeeper 2.0 Legislation—Passed JobKeeper 2.0 legislation has now been passed by the Senate on Tuesday, with minor amendments and extending the governments wage subsidy program by six months to 28 March 2021. This will replace the  $1,500 a fortnight payment with a new two-tier payment rate from 28 September 2020. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has highlighted that eligibility…

August JobKeeper Updates - Advivo

JobKeeper Update

Increased eligibility for JobKeeper payments. For the second time in a fortnight, the Federal Government has announced further updates to the JobKeeper wage subsidy, to ensure businesses can continue to retain their employees under the economic impacts of COVID-19. The changes to eligibility criteria have a significant impact for all businesses and we encourage you…

Business Growth Post COVID-19 – Part 2

Discussing the 4 Key Phases of the Coronavirus Business Cycle   In part 1 of this series, I identified these phases and briefly discussed what we’ve seen throughout phase 1, along with some of the reasons for the various reactions and flow-on effects for business.  I also discussed the importance of understanding the characteristics of…

Budget Outlook 2020-21

Budget 2020-21 Outlook

Protecting Australians and the Economy From the Effects of COVID-19   The Government has acted swiftly and decisively to address the significant impacts of COVID-19 on Australia’s health system, the economy and jobs, by providing an unprecedented level of support to assist households, keep businesses in business and keep Australians in jobs. In the Federal…

Accessible Cloud Data - Advivo

Xero Cloud Accounting: Maximising Efficiency

Embracing Remote Work, Digitising, and Automating Payments Amidst COVID-19 with Xero   Increasingly, businesses, both large and small, are moving to operate completely online/ digitally which enables them to have greater access to information, resilience to respond, to adapt, and to innovate which is key to setting yourself apart from your competitors so your business…